dear dedicated words(r)matter followers (all illion of you),
surprise! i've been on creative hiatus while moonlighting as an accidental chorus girl. that's right, in addition to weaving word wizardry and sketching photorealistic portraiture, i've been shaking my proverbial tail feather onstage with the Sweaty Sundays folks. between rehearsals, performances and mad dash drawing fits as i prepare for my impending art show (17 december at kara wily pilates on larchmont), i've been giving the blog a little breathing room.
it's good to take breaks, to step away from the natural inclination towards compulsive brilliance.
so, i'll just toss out some thoughts i've been playing with of late, and you can let me know how you feel about it all and we'll riff from there - conversation-like, minus inflection and eye contact.
social programs: which ones are you most jazzed to dismantle? send me your list - the lengthier, the better.
courage is sexy. i enCOURAGE its cultivation.
shamans aren't necessarily enlightened.
xx - this moment's awesomest band ever.
gender alchemy, authenticity, dreamtime downloads.
underwold allure and underwear aversion.
what's the difference between discernment and judgment?
doors open and doors close. there is only this moment now. tomorrow is a promise that never comes.
did i mention that xx is aural orgasmic awesomeness?
my computer acknowledges that awesomeness is a word, and yet denies the literary value in awesomest. curious.
the dreamtime already has me in its grips. stay tuned for cohesion and genius - coming soon to a words(r)matter blog post near you.
sweetest dreams to me and you and all of us.
love, dani
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