
a mid-week epiphany (we love those!)

I was high up in the hills for a mid-week, mid-afternoon BBQ with two of my absolute favorite men, a sexy earth mama and my best baby friend ever. Earth Mommy told us she is teaching the tiny goddess sign language.

"Wow. Does she sign back?" I asked.

"No, she can't yet, " she replied.

I realized in that moment just how pervasive our human propensity is to limit ourselves, and each other.

I edited her words in my head:

She hasn't yet.

Better still: She will.

Holding the baby's feet, she cooed over her:

"You can't, can you? No, you can't. No, you can't."

I telepathically edited:

Yes, you can; yes, you can; yes, you can; yes, you can.

We limit ourselves all day long and we don't even realize it.

We create our reality. With our words.

We create our every experience. With our words.

This is not metaphor. This is not New Age fluff. This is fact.

A moment later, I asked my friend if he was still jonesing for a little goddess of his own.

He nodded: "I think it'll happen."

I silently edited his dream:

I know it'll happen.

Better yet: It's happening.

Because it is.

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